Another common name for the crane fly (Wikipedia) is a "mosquito eater" - don't kill them! They are the good guys!
Here we are observing the very tip of the wing with 10x objectives. First is brightfield, darkfield, crossed polarizers and phase contrast (Ph2).
Next, there is epi-fluorescence at various excitation wavelengths with no diascopic illumination at all. First up is the UV-1A cube, then B-2A, and the very similar G-2A and G-2B (UV, blue and green).
Finally, adding diascopic illumination simultaneously with the epi-fluorescence can give a much better idea of what it is that you are looking at.
First, we see UV + darkfield, then add into the mix crossed polarizers, then UV + phase contrast.
Next, we have blue excitation plus phase contrast, as well as the G-2A and G-2B plus phase contrast.